Education and Spirituality Group
spearheads the prayer life of the parish. The group investigates Advent and Lent courses and other ways to develop faith and help the church to grow.
Social Justice Group
develops an awareness of social justice issues at home and abroad. It keeps us up to date on fair-trade issues and advises the PCC on outside charitable giving. It also liaises with other churches.
Pastoral Group
are a group of volunteers committed to the pastoral care of the congregation and outreach in the community. They also visit the sick and housebound and oversee the welcome of newcomers.
Children’s Liturgy Group
deals with children’s participation in our worship and teaching on Sundays.
Youth and Young People’s Group
looks at the specific needs of our young people and how we might engage with them.
Social and Fund Raising Group
organises events which enable the whole community to share fellowship together. The finance team help with short and long term