News letter with pics
Having missed off one May event in my last email, here are a few additional
dates for your diary and a round-up of other news.
Saturday 18th-Friday 24th May
Chichester College has
been in touch to invite local residents to events at their Adult Learners Week,
as set out on their Events-Coming-Up page: "there are some talks that local residents may find interesting – and there may be some who’d love to learn to sing too!"
Saturday 25th May, 4-4.30p.m.
Meet our local
PCSO, Pete Outen, at one of his regular "Meet me in person" sessions.
This is at Coast to Coast cafe at The Ridgeway and offers the opportunity to
discuss local issues affecting you and your community in a relaxed setting; to
sign up to Community Messaging; and to find out more information about
Neighbourhood Watch.
Pete has asked that, if you see a discarded milk bottle, please could you
call 101 (the Police non-emergency number) as he is on the hunt for the
perpetrator(s) of a number of milk thefts in the Parklands Road/Cedar Drive area
in recent weeks. Although these offences seem to have tailed off, he would like
to recover any bottles spotted in odd places that could have been discarded by
the thief/thieves. Whilst each theft is of small value, repeat thefts add up and
are a problem both for customers and for the dairy, potentially resulting in
orders being cancelled/making routes unviable for the milkman. Police were able
to catch someone regularly stealing milk in the Stockbridge/Donnington area; it
would be good if they can catch whoever has been doing it here too.
You can keep in touch with local policing for our area of Chichester West here.
The next meeting of the Neighbourhood Management Panel
(which agrees local policing priorities) is scheduled for Wednesday 29th May 13
at 6.45pm. Please contact , if you would like to find out
In half term week, two events are planned to complement the Noise
Tuesday 28th May, 10a.m.-noon
Family bug
hunt organised by members of PRA - another chance for families to
explore Whitehouse Farm and see what creepy crawlies we can find. (Subject to
weather conditions and equipment, we may also be able to offer some stream
dipping to look at watery wildlife.) Meet on Centurion Way near the entrance to
Bishop Luffa School at the footpath sign that points to the fields, or find us
just inside that field. Bring a camera/'phone camera, if you have one, to help
us record your finds before you return them roughly to where you found them. We
plan to finish up at Coast to Coast cafe for a drink/lunch, to share photos and
to use their free wi-fi access to help us identify any finds of which we're not
sure. For further details please contact . All children attending must
be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Friday 31st May, 11a.m.-2p.m.
Thanks to the generosity
of Hyde Martlet Martlet (who at last count owned roughly 40% of the homes in
Parklands), our new community warden, Sue Long, has been able to arrange for a
supervised climbing wall to be set up on the Sherborne Road
recreation ground. This will be free to use for all ages (children will need to
have a signed parental consent form, copies of which will be available to sign
on the day or can be requested from Sue in advance by emailing ). This was a big hit last
August when, with Dawn White's help, Hyde Martlet brought it to Parklands for
the first time.
Looking forward to June:
Saturday 15th June is Chichester College's Food and
Music Festival, details of which can be found here. Remember entry
forms for the classes in the Country Fayre Marquee should be submitted to Sarah
Archer by Saturday 1st June.
Saturday 22nd June sees the second Great Parklands
Garage Sale, where you are invited to join neighbours and friends
selling your unwanted furniture, bric-a-brac, toys, clothes, plants, garden
equipment, etc. Everyone is welcome: simply contact for a pdf copy of a poster to display
in advance so people know you will be taking part; put up some red balloons on
the day; and set up a table or stall outside your home to sell your stuff
between 1-3p.m. This is an initiative set up last year by a group of neighbours
around Cedar Drive - why not get your neighbours involved and tell your friends
and see if we can get the whole of Parklands to take part this
Saturday 29th June is Parklands School's Summer
Fair, 1-4p.m. As well as the traditional stalls and
attractions (and always some new ones to try), the School celebrates its Ruby
anniversary this year with a competition, open to all ages, to create and
exhibit a hedgehog (the School's emblem) in any medium you choose. The Fair is
run by the Friends of Parklands Community Primary School which organises fun
activities and fund-raising to benefit the school. Donations of items to support
this event would be much appreciated, including unused gifts etc to use as
tombola prizes, plants, toys (including cuddly toys) and books, and can be
accepted from Tuesday 4th June. Please email the Friends' Secretary, , for further
Before moving on to other news:
Thank you to everyone who persevered and responded to
Chichester District Council's draft Local Plan consultation.
With the combined efforts of PRA, East Broyle Residents' Association, Old Broyle
Road Action Group and others, there has been an incredible 560+ responses to the
Policy 16 "west of Chichester strategic
development site" alone.
If you put in your comments electronically, or supplied an email address with
written comments, CDC has told me you should receive an automatic email
notification when your comments appear on the "portal". Anyone who did not
include an email address will NOT receive an acknowledgement that their
representation has been received. (If you or someone you know wishes to check,
CDC's Local Plan team can be contacted on tel. no. 534571.)
CDC intends to analyse all the responses and present that analysis to the
meeting of its Development Plan Panel to be held on 18th July. The next draft of
the Local Plan is called a "Pre-Submission" draft (ie the draft CDC want to
submit to a Government-appointed independent Planning Inspector to determine as
"sound"). I am told this draft is scheduled to go to Cabinet and Full Council
for approval for consultation on Tuesday 24th September.
PRA intends to continue to work with others and assemble EVIDENCE to support
our case for modifications to the draft Local Plan, which we can use to try to
influence CDC's drafting (as the developer has previously done), Councillors and
ultimately the Inspector. The more people are willing to help with this the
better - quite apart from needing people to trawl through specific aspects of
the paperwork, things like supplying dated photographs of water levels/flooding
on or around the site (historic or up-to-date) and recording wildlife sightings
will all help to build up a picture of the site for both CDC and the Inspector
and could influence the outcome.
The current team is hoping to put together an Action Plan that makes most
effective use of our skills and the time we have. If you have ANY time
at all that you'd like contribute to this process, PLEASE get in touch.
All offers of help will be gratefully
Finally a quick round-up of the latest
The new wildflower meadow at Sherborne Road recreation
ground has been re-sown by children from Parklands School with a CDC Parks and
Green Spaces Officer. Look out for perennials and annuals (for this year
whilst the pernnials establish) with yellow rattle to be
planted later in the year to weaken the grass from growing
20mph signage is being put in place across Chichester
(including the whole of Parklands) to come into effect sometime in the next
couple of months. Celebrations are planned to take place around 30th June,
acknowledging the huge amount of community effort around Chichester that went
into this achievement. Please contact Sarah
Sharp, if you would like to take
You should have had a booklet put through your door about the street
lighting replacement programme being carried out by SSE Contracting
(from Hedge End) under a contract for West Sussex County Council. Work on this
is currently underway throughout Parklands. Information on this programme can be
found here. SSE has a FreePhone no. 0800 048 2435
(including to report faults and an emergency incident out of office
Thank you for being part of PRA's email community - the circulation of this
e-news and events has grown since it was launched last December and now reaches
over 100 people. Please share it, if you can, particularly with neighbours who
you know do not have access to email. We will be trying to bring everyone a
paper copy Parklands People newsletter
Best wishes,
Paula Chatfield
Parklands Residents' Association -
Committee Member (Publicity)
©2013 Parklands Residents' Association |
[email protected]
dates for your diary and a round-up of other news.
Saturday 18th-Friday 24th May
Chichester College has
been in touch to invite local residents to events at their Adult Learners Week,
as set out on their Events-Coming-Up page: "there are some talks that local residents may find interesting – and there may be some who’d love to learn to sing too!"
Saturday 25th May, 4-4.30p.m.
Meet our local
PCSO, Pete Outen, at one of his regular "Meet me in person" sessions.
This is at Coast to Coast cafe at The Ridgeway and offers the opportunity to
discuss local issues affecting you and your community in a relaxed setting; to
sign up to Community Messaging; and to find out more information about
Neighbourhood Watch.
Pete has asked that, if you see a discarded milk bottle, please could you
call 101 (the Police non-emergency number) as he is on the hunt for the
perpetrator(s) of a number of milk thefts in the Parklands Road/Cedar Drive area
in recent weeks. Although these offences seem to have tailed off, he would like
to recover any bottles spotted in odd places that could have been discarded by
the thief/thieves. Whilst each theft is of small value, repeat thefts add up and
are a problem both for customers and for the dairy, potentially resulting in
orders being cancelled/making routes unviable for the milkman. Police were able
to catch someone regularly stealing milk in the Stockbridge/Donnington area; it
would be good if they can catch whoever has been doing it here too.
You can keep in touch with local policing for our area of Chichester West here.
The next meeting of the Neighbourhood Management Panel
(which agrees local policing priorities) is scheduled for Wednesday 29th May 13
at 6.45pm. Please contact , if you would like to find out
In half term week, two events are planned to complement the Noise
Tuesday 28th May, 10a.m.-noon
Family bug
hunt organised by members of PRA - another chance for families to
explore Whitehouse Farm and see what creepy crawlies we can find. (Subject to
weather conditions and equipment, we may also be able to offer some stream
dipping to look at watery wildlife.) Meet on Centurion Way near the entrance to
Bishop Luffa School at the footpath sign that points to the fields, or find us
just inside that field. Bring a camera/'phone camera, if you have one, to help
us record your finds before you return them roughly to where you found them. We
plan to finish up at Coast to Coast cafe for a drink/lunch, to share photos and
to use their free wi-fi access to help us identify any finds of which we're not
sure. For further details please contact . All children attending must
be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Friday 31st May, 11a.m.-2p.m.
Thanks to the generosity
of Hyde Martlet Martlet (who at last count owned roughly 40% of the homes in
Parklands), our new community warden, Sue Long, has been able to arrange for a
supervised climbing wall to be set up on the Sherborne Road
recreation ground. This will be free to use for all ages (children will need to
have a signed parental consent form, copies of which will be available to sign
on the day or can be requested from Sue in advance by emailing ). This was a big hit last
August when, with Dawn White's help, Hyde Martlet brought it to Parklands for
the first time.
Looking forward to June:
Saturday 15th June is Chichester College's Food and
Music Festival, details of which can be found here. Remember entry
forms for the classes in the Country Fayre Marquee should be submitted to Sarah
Archer by Saturday 1st June.
Saturday 22nd June sees the second Great Parklands
Garage Sale, where you are invited to join neighbours and friends
selling your unwanted furniture, bric-a-brac, toys, clothes, plants, garden
equipment, etc. Everyone is welcome: simply contact for a pdf copy of a poster to display
in advance so people know you will be taking part; put up some red balloons on
the day; and set up a table or stall outside your home to sell your stuff
between 1-3p.m. This is an initiative set up last year by a group of neighbours
around Cedar Drive - why not get your neighbours involved and tell your friends
and see if we can get the whole of Parklands to take part this
Saturday 29th June is Parklands School's Summer
Fair, 1-4p.m. As well as the traditional stalls and
attractions (and always some new ones to try), the School celebrates its Ruby
anniversary this year with a competition, open to all ages, to create and
exhibit a hedgehog (the School's emblem) in any medium you choose. The Fair is
run by the Friends of Parklands Community Primary School which organises fun
activities and fund-raising to benefit the school. Donations of items to support
this event would be much appreciated, including unused gifts etc to use as
tombola prizes, plants, toys (including cuddly toys) and books, and can be
accepted from Tuesday 4th June. Please email the Friends' Secretary, , for further
Before moving on to other news:
Thank you to everyone who persevered and responded to
Chichester District Council's draft Local Plan consultation.
With the combined efforts of PRA, East Broyle Residents' Association, Old Broyle
Road Action Group and others, there has been an incredible 560+ responses to the
Policy 16 "west of Chichester strategic
development site" alone.
If you put in your comments electronically, or supplied an email address with
written comments, CDC has told me you should receive an automatic email
notification when your comments appear on the "portal". Anyone who did not
include an email address will NOT receive an acknowledgement that their
representation has been received. (If you or someone you know wishes to check,
CDC's Local Plan team can be contacted on tel. no. 534571.)
CDC intends to analyse all the responses and present that analysis to the
meeting of its Development Plan Panel to be held on 18th July. The next draft of
the Local Plan is called a "Pre-Submission" draft (ie the draft CDC want to
submit to a Government-appointed independent Planning Inspector to determine as
"sound"). I am told this draft is scheduled to go to Cabinet and Full Council
for approval for consultation on Tuesday 24th September.
PRA intends to continue to work with others and assemble EVIDENCE to support
our case for modifications to the draft Local Plan, which we can use to try to
influence CDC's drafting (as the developer has previously done), Councillors and
ultimately the Inspector. The more people are willing to help with this the
better - quite apart from needing people to trawl through specific aspects of
the paperwork, things like supplying dated photographs of water levels/flooding
on or around the site (historic or up-to-date) and recording wildlife sightings
will all help to build up a picture of the site for both CDC and the Inspector
and could influence the outcome.
The current team is hoping to put together an Action Plan that makes most
effective use of our skills and the time we have. If you have ANY time
at all that you'd like contribute to this process, PLEASE get in touch.
All offers of help will be gratefully
Finally a quick round-up of the latest
The new wildflower meadow at Sherborne Road recreation
ground has been re-sown by children from Parklands School with a CDC Parks and
Green Spaces Officer. Look out for perennials and annuals (for this year
whilst the pernnials establish) with yellow rattle to be
planted later in the year to weaken the grass from growing
20mph signage is being put in place across Chichester
(including the whole of Parklands) to come into effect sometime in the next
couple of months. Celebrations are planned to take place around 30th June,
acknowledging the huge amount of community effort around Chichester that went
into this achievement. Please contact Sarah
Sharp, if you would like to take
You should have had a booklet put through your door about the street
lighting replacement programme being carried out by SSE Contracting
(from Hedge End) under a contract for West Sussex County Council. Work on this
is currently underway throughout Parklands. Information on this programme can be
found here. SSE has a FreePhone no. 0800 048 2435
(including to report faults and an emergency incident out of office
Thank you for being part of PRA's email community - the circulation of this
e-news and events has grown since it was launched last December and now reaches
over 100 people. Please share it, if you can, particularly with neighbours who
you know do not have access to email. We will be trying to bring everyone a
paper copy Parklands People newsletter
Best wishes,
Paula Chatfield
Parklands Residents' Association -
Committee Member (Publicity)
©2013 Parklands Residents' Association |
[email protected]