Thinking about life after death should not be difficult for Christians!
Make sure you are prepared practically as well as spiritually. Whatever your age, write a will and keep it up to date.
Without a will, your loved ones could face a lot of trouble, work and expense after your death.
Without a will, a court could decide how to distribute your goods and who should look after your children.
Many Christians give regularly and propotionately from their income. Why not give proportionately from your estate too?
A gift in your will helps our church to live out our dreams and mission in this community.
It’s a way to thank God for all the gifts of our lifetime, and to hand on undimmed the legacy we’ve received from past Christians (our building, our faith) to future generations.
Leaving a gift in your will is tax efficient and can reduce the amount of inheritance tax you pay
Changing lives after death
At St Wilfrid’s the PCC’s policy is to use legacies to help fund significant development projects in the parish.
As circumstances change over the years, it may not be possible to fulfil specific donor requests, so church members are encouraged to leave gifts in their wills for the general purposes of the parish. The PCC will discuss with executors the most appropriate use of the gift in the light of current projects and the donor's known areas of interest in the church (eg children & youth, music, buildings).
We have been greatly blessed with gifts left to the church:
A recent gift from Leslie Holden was used to buy a new aspergillium (holy water sprinkler).
In discussion with Gill Crossley, money was used to pay for bible study materials for Advent and Lent and enabled us to complete our purchase of much needed extra chairs.
The processional lanterns were bought in memory of Joan Greenhill who left a generous legacy and the noticeboards in the porch were funded from a gift from Fr Harry Gibson.
Whether large or small, gifts left to St Wilfrid’s makes a real difference to our mission and our ministry.